55 Blog 44 final

I ran into my children’s father today; it was quite an unexpected encounter. I was zipping down the street distracted with thoughts of work and wondering how Meow was doing. My cat wasn’t herself all day yesterday. She threw up late last night, waking me out of a sound sleep, and she wouldn’t eat this morning. I was just deciding to call the vet upon my return home when I looked up and saw Jack me on the corner of Broadway and 84th Street, staring right at me.

Though our marriage ended almost two decades ago, seeing Jack unexpectedly always gives me a jolt because I see so much of Jeffrey and Julie in him. They both have his height, athleticism, and jet black hair. Well, I’m tall also, so perhaps I helped in that department.

We embraced warmly while Jack explained that he was meeting a business associate for dinner in the neighborhood and that Jeffrey had called him this week. While nodding approvingly, I let my mind trip back to thoughts of Meow. Was she feeling better? I had to get home to see. I gave Jack a quick farewell peck on the cheek. It really was nice to see him again.

When encountering someone you once loved, are you ever struck with how completely time heals and adds distance, perspective, and peace?

Image courtesy of Gualberto107 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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