55 Blog Post 13 final

Ever since I agreed to a dinner date with Dr. Rick, the Scorpio from Baltimore, I’ve had compatibility on my mind. Besides Michelle, the stars and zodiac are my matchmakers. I trust in astrological compatibility because of its predetermined accuracy. Of course, exceptions occur due to nurture, but we shouldn’t deny inherent personality traits.

Jack and I, for example, are air and water. As a dominant Aquarius, Jack’s emotions often overpowered my dreamy Pisces personality. I evaporated into him. Aquarians are unpredictable and slow to fall in love, while Pisces are eager to love and express emotion. This was precisely our relationship; I was in awe of Jack’s dominance and excited to see where he would go next, but, unfortunately, he wasn’t sure where our relationship was going most of the time. His uncertainty and my eagerness created a conflict between us.  As a Pisces with Aries rising, I am prone to pushing ahead and not allowing myself to sit on the sidelines. Pisces and Aquarians, although passionate and emotional, simply do not share the same goals.

As I’ve mentioned before, I am often drawn to Scorpios. Something about their mystical, intuitive nature, as well as their jealousy and possessiveness, oddly lures me in.  Waters collide and blend effortlessly. I once dated a Scorpio who could not fall asleep until I called and let him know that I was home safe. Initially, I found that endearing, but over time I felt suffocated. Hopefully, Rick will be as spiritual as most Scorpios, but less possessive.

Now, back to a stack of client natal charts waiting for me in my office.

My blind date with Rick is next weekend. I promise to fill you in.


Image courtesy of MR LIGHTMAN / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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